Home Links Livewell Buckpole Scouting 2000 Highlights

Well, as it turns out our new spot in Houghton Lake was pretty incredible.  Other than the fact that it is state land and there were many more hunter there than we are used to, I would say that the results speak for themselves!  Obviously, even though there is a lot of hunting pressure, the other hunters didn't do their homework like the Venison Valley Hunt Club did.  We knew exactly where the deer were and where to look for them, based on our many scouting trips.  This wound up to be the advantage that we needed to clean up on everyone else.

We shot six bucks out of seven hunters.  Three of them were shot on opening morning (two sixes and a four point).  On Thursday Steve shot a nice ten point and Larry downed a fork.  Finally, we knocked down a spike on Friday to finish off the week.  Here are some of the pictures.....

buckpole_2000.jpg (108894 bytes) cabinet.jpg (140484 bytes) rick_2000.jpg (197767 bytes) tagteam.jpg (232156 bytes) thegame_2000.jpg (183184 bytes)

BuckPole            The "Cabinet"    Rick's Opener    Tag Team        "The Game"

I don't know if we will ever have as much luck as we did this year, but I would say that we started of a new millennium of hunting with a bang!  We had snow, cold, deer and plenty of good times.  Gustav was definitely with us once more.