Venison Valley Hunt Club

Home Livewell Buckpole Scouting 2000 Highlights

If you have any pictures that you have for the site, e-mail them to Fred Bear ( and I will post them for you.

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Steve making his Three River's bowhunt an "official" hunting trip

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The VVHC Calendar can be traced back all the way to Stone Age!

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Larry's 8 pointer from the Jordan (circa 1993?)

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The "Core Four" in 1994.

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The VVHC in 1995.  We were "shutout", if you can believe that!

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The club in 1996.  There were some deer on the buckpole once again!

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The "Crew" in the Jordan (1998). How did we miss that buck?

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Marc's opening day of the 1998 Bowseason.

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Marc's Corsican Ram (Shot with a Recurve and Wooden Arrows - 1999)

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These are the six bucks that were shot by the VVHC during the 2000 Rifle Season (ten, six, six, four, fork, spike)

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Marc shot this spike and doe on Oct. 1, 2000 with his recurve.

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This is Randy, a friend of Tonto's, who shot this 19 point (232 lbs. dressed) in Wayne County on opening morning!!! Wow!

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Marc's first steelhead (Betsie River, 1996) and first Tom (Gaylord, Spring 1999)

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Some of the successful hunter patches awarded to the VVHC